From The Straits Times    |

We don’t even need to give you the signs to look out for. If your man is a groomzilla, you’ll know.

Perhaps he was demanding from the start, or as your wedding plans took shape, his requests became demands and his decisions were the ones that mattered.

Then there’s also the groomzilla who wants nothing to do with the wedding, except show up for it on the day. He’s dismissive and disinterested, and any attempts to involve him in decision-making results in nonchalance or annoyance.

While it is normal for couples to have disagreements during their wedding prep, the damage done to your relationship could be irrevocable if one of you continuously disregards the opinion of the other.

Here are some steps you can take to handle a groomzilla:


The controlling and demanding groomzilla

Let him know that his opinions are equally heard and respected

Your groom might be coming across as demanding when he thinks his opinions are less likely to be considered, or when he is simply struggling to express his concerns. After all, the societal norms are such that the bulk of wedding decisions usually fall onto the brides’ laps.

Letting him know (subtly) that his opinions are just as valid would put him more at ease. Reassure him that both of you have equal say in the wedding.

Bring him back down to earth

If he’s making difficult and pricey demands, get him in on as many vendors discussion as possible. Allow them to spell out to him the budget and conditions, and perhaps he will realise what he wants is physically/financially unrealistic.


The disinterested and nonchalant groomzilla

Ease him into it, slowly

Knowing his distaste for weddings or any event planning for that matter, the best chance you might have at getting an opinion out of him would be to start off with asking his opinion about the smaller items.

Items like whether he’d prefer a light or dark coloured suit to the type of wedding car he’d like. As things picks up, he’ll find more to be excited about and get more involved in the events of the day.


Talk it out

At one point, you’ll start having doubts about your relationship and marriage, and question if his uninterested attitude is connected to how he feels about your marriage.

This would be as good of a time as any to take up on pre-martial counselling, which is actually recommended even if you aren’t having any problems.

Getting professional advice could open up communication between the both of you and allow you to tackle the issue in a healthy and open environment.

He might have viewed the wedding as something separate from your relationship, and treated it as an event he likes to just get over. When he realises how he might be hurting you and your marriage, his views on your wedding day might change.