From The Straits Times    |

Makes 40


1 block (250g) Kraft Cheddar, cut into 5 pieces

40 squares (12.5cm) of spring roll wrapper*

Oil, for deep-frying


1 Halve each piece of cheese by its width. Quarter each chunk into 4cm-long sticks.

2 Place one stick of cheese diagonally in the middle of each wrapper.

3 Fold the sides, then the bottom corner of the wrapper tightly over the cheese, so it looks like an open envelope. Roll it up like a spring roll and seal with a dab of water.

4 Deep-fry the cheese sticks in hot oil for about 1-2min until golden and crisp.

5 Cool them on paper towels and pack in an airtight box.


*Available from the chiller section of major supermarkets.