From The Straits Times    |

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1 Store eggs on the middle shelf
Don’t store eggs in the refrigerator door as the constant opening and closing causes temperature fluctuations, and turns eggs runny. Keep them in the carton, on the middle shelf of the chiller where the temperature is constant.

Freeze herbs
Don’t throw away leftover herbs.You can preserve their fragrance and taste by popping them into ice-cube trays filled with olive oil. Once frozen, each cube can be taken out for cooking when needed.

3 Keep certain fruits and vegetables separate
Fruits and vegetables give out ethylene, a gas that causes them to ripen. But some give out more ethylene than others, so isolate them or they could spoil other fresh produce.

– Bananas: They give out an immense amount of ethylene, so keep them away from other fruits and veggies. Once they ripen, wrap the stems in aluminium foil and toss them in the fridge where they’ll last for four more days.

– Stone fruit: Leave avocados, cherries and peaches on the counter to ripen, then store them in paper bags punched with holes, in the fridge.

– Citrus fruit: Store lemons, limes and oranges in a covered container in the fridge to keep them from hardening.

– Leafy greens: Vegetables give out less ethylene, but are more sensitive to it, so keep them in a different section from fruits.

4 Keep dairy products at the back of the fridge
Milk, cream, butter and cheese should be kept way back, where the temperature is most constant.They should ideally be stored in a closed chiller so they don’t pick up odours from strong-smelling food. Soft cheese needs more care as it gets mouldy easily – store it in airtight containers.

5 Use airtight containers
Used to just popping a plate of leftover food into the chiller? It’s worth taking the time to transfer it into an airtight container to keep smells from permeating other foods. For soups and sauces, wrap the top with cling wrap and press it gently onto the surface of the liquid.This prevents a film from forming on the surface.