From The Straits Times    |

6 foods to boost metabolism and fight flabWhile we know about the foods we’re not supposed to eat for weight loss, what about the ones we can? Here are six super-foods that are not only insanely healthy but also have been found to promote weight loss.

1. Almonds and other nuts – Great for snacking, these delicious treats build muscle and can cut cravings. Skip the salted varieties, which may only leave you bloated.

2. Spinach and leafy greens – Ridiculously low in calories, these superpower veggies have been found to help fight cancer, obesity, heart disease and even osteoporosis. High in antioxidants and vitamins A, K, B and C.

3. Dairy products – low-fat milk, yogurt, or cheeses. These can fight off cravings for sweets, help fire up your metabolism, and defend your body against high blood pressure and cancer.

4. Olive oil – Believe it or not, some oil is good for weight loss. Olive oil is a healthy fat, and when used sparingly can help you feel satiated throughout the day.

5. Dark chocolate – Skip milk chocolate and nibble on the dark stuff. Research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that subjects who ate dark chocolate had higher insulin sensitivity and lower insulin resistance compared with those who ate equal quantities of white chocolate.

6. Green tea – Rich in antioxidants, this tasty drink may also aid in weight loss. A study in the Journal of Nutrition found that the catechins in green tea speed up the body’s metabolic rate.